August 2023 - The Bitcoin ETF season is about to begin. Is Cathie Wood about to pip Larry Fink to the post? A deep-dive on the scenarios and the outlook on the charts. (Paid Edition)

Edition 45 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter


This Edition’s Fast Brief (TLDR)

- Cathie Wood has Pole Position
- Blackrock remains best bet for approval in Sept
- Is this time different?
- If this, then that... ETF scenarios on the charts
- Grayscale could cause a cascade of approvals in Q4 that jumpstart a Bull Market
- Ethereum ETFs are about to be approved. The overlooked narrative

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Bitcoin ETF season is upon us…

and it begins with Cathie Wood’s ARK on August the 13th.

That’s right…

BlackRock does not get first WHACK at the pinata

Instead, true Bitcoin believer Cathie Wood has pole position to reap all the rewards that come with being first.

There’s a cautious confidence that BlackRock’s entry into the race, with a near 100% hit rate for getting what they want, has changed the game…

A Spot ETF in the United States now seems a matter of WHEN, not IF…and has the very real potential to kick Bitcoin into an early Bull Market.

Picture courtesy of Bloomberg.

Cathie Wood’s Investment fund, ARK, filed for an ETF almost a lifetime ago, back in the zenith of the Crypto Bull Market of 2021 - and kept it in their back pocket for the right time.

Timing is everything and fortuitously, ARK is now first-in-line and armed with BlackRock’s submission playbook that is widely regarded to have the greatest chance of success

See below - ARK’s SEC Date is set for the 13th of August. BlackRock Sept 2nd.

On a personal note, it would be a sentimental win and a great story if Cathie was the one to break the dam wall with the SEC.

Like Bitcoin, she is an underdog and often maligned. Her style is to bet big on disruptive future trends. Namely, Bitcoin, Crypto and AI.

This is her in a recent quote…

"Our bull case, I think it's $1,500,000 per coin, the best case is $625,000 (something like that)," Wood said during a recent Bloomberg Interview.

There are Bitcoin bulls and then there are BULLS

It would be fitting if her often hated conviction in Bitcoin, Coinbase, and GBTC led to a flagship US Bitcoin ETF

The Big Question: Is this time different?

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