July 2023 - Investors Assemble! Don’t give Blackrock your Crypto right before the Bonanza (Paid Edition)

Edition 41 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter


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This morning as I was finalising this edition of the newsletter centered on Blackrock and something crazy happened…

Twitter blew up over this very topic

Appearing on Fox Business, Larry Fink the CEO of Blackrock declared “Bitcoin is an international asset”, arguably superior to Gold and that Crypto Could revolutionise Finance…

He dispelled any notion that they weren’t serious on Crypto and publicly backed the industry

WOW. How was that for timing?

First, I’m going to analyse what this latest interview means in 5 quick points that you simply MUST be across.

Then, I’m going to discuss how we are positioning for the coming Bonanza

Bears look away now.

Subscribe to Weekly Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter to read the rest.

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