May 2024 - The End of the Bull Market (Paid Edition)

Edition 81 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter


Fast brief (TLDR) -

1. The Bull Market is Over!

2. How we dig ourselves out. Bitcoin lays the groundwork for Q4 2024 highs

3. What am I watching in the short term for a reversal?

4. What am I buying…My Top 3 acquisitions


You heard me, pack it up. It’s all over. The idea of 100k Bitcoin this cycle is dead

We peaked early and now we are bleeding into a bear market…

Oh boy…  

I know there are a lot of people out there glued to their screens right now who may feel as if this is the case

You’re caught in the vortex of a major correction, and it could take months to resolve, but the bull market is just taking a pit stop.

For long term investors this price action is unsurprising, but if you’re new & hanging on every green and red candle, it can feel distressing 

Investors need to remain sober in Crypto, stepping in and out of the short term price action and big picture frequently to keep your engine running.

This is one of those moments where you can buy the dip and go touch grass.

Try not to be a dot plot on the Fear and Greed Chart below!

Ok…So let’s talk about the BIG Picture and why this is all going according to plan

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