November 2023 - Market Overview - Argentina, Binance and BlackRock. The Stars align for a Crypto MELT-UP...

Edition 59 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter

PREMIUM NEWSLETTER FOR PAYING SUBSCRIBERS (Released every Thursday each week).

Before we crack into the fleshy parts of this week’s newsletter…

Crypto Twitter is the Gift that Keeps on Giving. Here is Twitter (X) meme of the week for laughs

For the BULLS. 4 Crypto catalysts that ensure the most explosive bull market we have ever seen...

A quick brief -

This newsletter provides insights into the catalysts driving the NEXT bull market cycle

  • Why a $4 Billion settlement for charges against Binance is actually bullish for Crypto (felt absurd to write that)

  • El Salvador and now Argentina? Argentina’s new President is a seismic moment that affects Crypto.

  • BlackRock is coming for your ETH. Spot ETH ETF incoming

  • Onchain Supply squeeze for Bitcoin gets more extreme

I also cover

  • Monetary policy set to ease in 2024

  • US Presidential Elections love fresh liquidity

Let’s crack in!

We simply have to start on the biggest news second only to BlackRock’s ETF announcement…

As everyone went to bed, I was wide awake, refreshing my Twitter feed like mad in my rental Apartment here in Dubai.

This went on for about 4-hours after the news broke. I also pre-emtively removed all assets from Binance in an abundance of caution (having lived through numerous collapses, you can never be too careful)

My eyes were peeled to the falling BNB price, exchange withdrawals, and Janet Yellen picking her nose in the DOJ press conference (yes, that actually happened on camera)

There is a running joke amongst some of our advanced clients that whenever I go away something major blows up - last time it was FTX…now, Binance.

Suffice to say, I will give everyone advanced notice next time!

Reflecting on what happened, it’s been a “very-Crypto” 24 hours and another bad actor has been taken out to the woodshed…

- The US Gov landed the hammer, seeking $4 Billion Dollars to settle criminal charges against Binance

- CZ, (The CEO of Binance) has been forced to step down and may face jail time with an enormous personal fine.

- IMPORTANTLY for investors, the exchange will continue operating and there was/is no issue with withdrawals. There will no doubt be fallout via reputational damage and volumes in the days to come so watch this space.

This is a bad thing, right?

It sounds bad, and it is, but there is a silver lining. Binance being brought to heel is actually incredibly bullish for future asset prices and the maturation of Crypto.


Yes. My view here is pretty straightforward. When the market actually understands how bullish this is, it will be too late

This is clearing the decks for Wall Street to have their ETFs and to elbow-in on the global exchange race. The FEDs always hated Binance and it was a key stumbling block for regulators.

In hindsight, it fits perfectly that Binance had to be run over before the biggest bull market in history

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