October 2023 - 5 Altcoins poised to explode (Paid Edition)

Edition 53 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter


- US Treasury Yields and US Dollar runs the show. What I see cracking soon…

- 5 Altcoin charts that have bottomed for THIS cycle. The repeating dynamics that I’m seeing for explosive growth in 2024 for XRP, MATIC, STX, ETH, CHAINLINK

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Crypto Twitter is the Gift that Keeps on Giving. Here is Twitter (X) meme of the week for laughs

Last Month the CCI newsletter team partnered up with The Militant Trader…

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Hope you’re having a great Uptober everyone!

In this edition, we’re doing something a little different…


It’s about time we showed Altcoins some love after a difficult 2 years 🙏 

And, as we examine the charts every single day, I wanted to put together a list of 5 popular Cryptocurrencies that we think have bottomed

While we can never guarantee that an asset cannot drop lower, there are historical patterns we see every cycle that tell us with a high probability when the bottom is in XRP, MATIC, STX, ETH, LINK head that list and I’ll outline my reasoning on the charts further down.

First, I want to quickly touch on what is holding the market down

We often highlight the challenges major markets are facing right now.

Simply - the aftershocks from the US FED’s unprecedented tightening cycle are now being felt as the global economy contracts to deal with inflation 

The US Dollar has resumed its wrecking ball momentum to the upside and US Treasury Yields continue to sell off 

Until these dynamics reverse, any major uptick in Bitcoin and stocks is unlikely as confidence remains low and capital wants to feel safe

The caveat here is Bitcoin’s relative strength. It has shown almost zero cares about the meltdown, and has, in fact, moved higher…

And, there is a light at the end of the tunnel

The mighty US Dollar is starting to weaken after a sensational run, with Bear Divergences (momentum dropping, while price rising) appearing on the Daily timeframes (see below)

We can speculate we are seeing a cycle top unfolding with the DXY and yields but that remains to be seen

Other favourable conditions are emerging too:

- Mega fear in major markets with the short-sell trade on bonds and long DXY trade very crowded. I think we are due for a relief rally soon especially now that we see “Bond carnage” all over the media.

- “Oil (WTI), a key driver of inflation, took a major haircut last night, so I'm feeling better about a pull back in DXY here

All Bitcoin needs to do here is hold the line above $27,400 and if the DXY has found a local top I expect a really nice pop higher before the next crisis.

The danger is not over…far from it, but that doesn’t mean Bitcoin and Crypto cannot rally based on relative strength.

Okay - Altcoins!

I have selected 5 that I think have bottomed for this cycle (barring a full global meltdown) and are set for explosive growth into 2024 

They are…


Let’s begin with what is arguably the most popular token in the world - XRP

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