September 2024 - FULL ANALYSIS. October is the Cycle Turning Point. A Raging Bull returns. (Paid Edition)

Edition 98 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter


Fast brief (TLDR) -

1. The intermediate phase is wrapping up. Bull Season begins soon

2. The Meat of the Bull Market…how long will it last?

3. Sam’s 2024 & 2025 Forecast (MUST READ)

4. 4 Indicators you can use to call a Bitcoin Top


The biggest fears I’m hearing right now from investors hit along these themes:

- WHAT IF this time is different?

- WHAT IF retail investors never come back?

- Has the 4 year cycle broken now that ETFs are involved?

These are all valid questions, but there is a good reason why they are popping up now instead of 6 months ago

Investors are being guided by emotion. If this is you, then you MUST to read this newsletter

As our Technical Analyst, Paolo Tiberi said this week, “Naive money is panic selling into the lows, while Smart Money is rotating back in and sniping your bags”

I can tell you from experience, these same concerns have been echoed at exactly these points in time in prior cycles…


Because of investor psychology. This period is designed to see you lose faith in why you invested in the first place and capitulate.

This is why “zooming out” is not just a meme, but it’s an important step for ALL investors to do - for alignment, clarity, and for your own sanity.

Now, before we continue…

Did you want to have a chat with me?

I'm opening my calendar this month to take on Paid 1 on 1 calls with my favourite community of investors 

My main focuses with Mastermind clients, that I'm willing to share with you on these calls, is:

- Cycle Analysis and Portfolio construction

- Risk management & when to take Risk 

I want to help catapult a select few investors to the next level - especially in this moment

So, if you are interested in speaking with me and position yourself to get life-changing results into next year…find a time here

Right, back into it.

The intermediate phase is ending

What do I mean by this?

Let me give you some background. This is a chart of the last 4 year cycle and the start of the one we are in now…

Since the 2021 peak of $69,000…Bitcoin spent 913 days finding new lows until the next halving (blue line), it then entered the intermediate phase (yellow boxes)

In each 4 year cycle there is a period post halving (April-Sept) that sees the market correct, often with a major drop in price or corrective move

“The larger the party the bigger the hangover” is especially apt when you consider Bitcoin made an early All Time High (first ever) before the halving

Remember, nothing goes up in a straight line forever, and Bitcoin needs time to refuel before going higher

That is what the intermediate phase is, and we are almost through it  

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