Top 10 Cryptos for February 2024

Edition 68 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter

I’ve started the year with adventure, travelling across some of the most beautiful spots in Thailand, Phi Phi, Railay Beach and Koh Tao. I was standing at the top of the view point in Koh Tao and was having a ‘moment’. Thinking about the incredible life that I have created for myself and family, as I was having a holiday from a holiday.

I want to remind you all that at one stage I was stuck on the revolving hamster wheel, working endless hours. One big decision and some calculated risk to follow a path that I believed could change my life forever, did.

And everyone reading this has the same opportunity. IF you want something bad enough and have powerful reasons as to WHY you are GOING to achieve it, then ANYTHING is possible!

I ticked off another bucket list item, too…. Winning my first boxing match! Moving to Thailand last year, I decided to challenge myself in another sport to really test my limits. I’m a big believer in pushing myself physically and directly translates into improved crypto results. Making bigger decisions easier and creating discipline. You can watch the fight highlights on my Facebook page. Next month is the big one, where I will be doing my first Muay Thai fight against a seasoned fighter… Nervous is an understatement!

Now let’s get into the long awaited Bitcoin Spot ETF approvals that came to fruition… finally!

It played out as we anticipated, with a short term final pump before a sell off. This has largely been due to the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) offloading 10,000s of Bitcoin daily, 30% of which is from FTX asset liquidations. The truth is, we didn’t necessarily see this, but we expected a ‘buy the rumour, sell the news’ occurrence play out, typical in the crypto markets in the lead up to and after a major catalyst takes place.

The extremity of the selling is starting to dampen and it appears that the Bitcoins being sold are being moved directly into ETF competitors such as BlackRock. With GBTC keeping their fees at astronomical levels (1.5%) in comparison to the bidding war that is happening in their wake (Fidelity at 0% until July 31st and BlackRock at 0.12% fees for the first 6 months of $5Billion - Source:, something tells me conversations were had behind closed doors between the big boys… Rumor has it that GBTC may be getting prepared for a sale to one of the competitors. This makes a lot of logical sense to me!

Anyway, that’s all speculation and wasted energy… So let’s focus on what we do know.

The upcoming Ethereum ETF, anticipated for approval around May 2024 and months end network upgrade makes ETH one to be keeping a close eye on right now.

I will share strategy ideas below for the different risk profiles. If you play the next few months right, you’ll be set to make many multiples returns in your portfolios :)

What I will say… In the near future, there will be a time to construct an ideal portfolio. This will be outlined in our monthly Top 10 below.

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Our current portfolio of Cryptocurrencies was chosen for technical outlook, narrative capture and market sentiment.

*Please refer to the Technical Terms Glossary at the end of this section for an explanation of technical terms.

All prices below are current at the time of writing - $US
Date of completion 25/01/2024

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