Top 10 Cryptos for July

Edition 40 - The Elite Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy Newsletter

As I’ve mentioned in prior newsletter releases, markets are all built on psychology… And your investment actions are an extension of what is happening in your internal world.

What am I trying to say here?

Recently the market went through a rollercoaster ride, with Bitcoin topping out at $31k in April, only to see a slow and steady downtrend to the lower price of $24.7k, before rebounding recently to $31.4k.

I will start by saying it is completely unrealistic to set an expectation that you will consistently sell the top and buy the exact bottom. If you are, let me know, you can help run CCI’s fund!

To quantify the price movement further, this is a 20% retracement, with a 26% rebound = 46% of profitable opportunity, selling at higher levels and re-buying at the lows. (Again unrealistic that you’d capture the full move in both directions).

Investing Tip: The strategy that I personally deploy is when I see key structural levels being broken to the downside, I want to reduce my risk and take profit. And for the upside, when price appears to have bottomed and can regain certain key support levels, I start to increase your exposure. I also like to have layered buy levels on the way down at areas where I see maximum value. But when significant news comes out, such as the BTC spot ETF by BlackRock, you have to make a quick decision to ride the obvious wave.

Now I appreciate that I’ve made this sound super simple, but the reality it is and can be. The thing that holds investors back from making obvious decisions is themselves. You have no one else to point the finger at as you are pulling the trigger. And the sooner you accept and own this, the further your investing journey will take you.

Most importantly, if you are looking at the recent price change and maybe didn’t capitalise how you’d like to, don’t go into self sabotage mode, it’s not going to help. But rather be grateful for the learning experience, make notes of how you can improve on this and most importantly, how are you going to do it differently next time round. I find pen and paper is best for this exercise to help you process things properly and really ingrain the lesson. Yes, call me an extremist, but it's the reason I am where I am today. I didn’t have a ‘pot to piss’ at one point in my life and the thing that drastically changed my financial trajectory was the standards I chose to shift and uphold, this being one of them.

Reminder: It is only a mistake if you repeatedly do the same thing and expect a different outcome, or insanity as Einstein so nicely put it. You have to shift your ways and that comes with introspection. The best investors I know learn quickly, focus on why they are investing in the first place and use this as their navigation tool and avoid casting a negative perspective on learning lessons. Don’t get me wrong, you aren’t going to be fist pumping when your portfolio sheds 10%+, this will happen, sometimes daily, but what you do from that moment forward is all that matters and your current state and frame of mind is what will determine the path you choose to go down.

Rule #1 from my investing playbook is to first focus on aligning myself before investing a single dollar further into the market. The more balanced I am and the higher my conscious state, the further I will go.

With that being said, let’s accept and embrace our futures, love ourselves unconditionally and remember why you are on this journey in the first place.

Our current portfolio of Cryptocurrencies was chosen for technical outlook, narrative capture and market sentiment.

*Please refer to the Technical Terms Glossary at the end of this section for an explanation of technical terms.

All prices below are current at the time of writing - $US
Date of completion 29th June 2023

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